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microalgae culture room

Research Interests

research directions

1. Identification of Antiviral Compounds: My primary area of interest lies in the identification of potential antiviral compounds from both naturaland artificial sources. Regardless of the availability of vaccines, the development of effective antiviral drugs remains crucial. This is especially important because vaccines may not offer complete protection, and their coverage is often less than 100%.
2. Elucidating Viral Pathogenesis and Host-Virus Interactions: A significant portion of my research revolves around the comprehensive understanding of viral pathogenesis and the intricate interactions between viruses and their hosts. My research team is dedicated to establishing appropriate animal models to investigate the mechanisms underlying viral infections and their associated symptoms.
3. Driving the Advancement of Virological Methods and Approaches: Another crucial aspect of my research agenda is the significant contribution to the refinement and improvement of existing virological methods and approaches. It is essential to recognize that reliable and cost-effective methodologies are the bedrock of progress in virology. As such, we are dedicated to optimizing and enhancing current viral research techniques, thereby pushing the boundaries of virological research.

我們的學術研究方向長期以來皆以開發抑制病毒感染相關藥物為主軸。過去我們發現川陳皮素具有抑制屈公熱病毒的效果 (Lin et al. 2017)也透過根皮素抑制茲卡病毒的效果瞭解宿主細胞醣類代謝對病毒的影響 (Lin et al. 2019)等。目前的研究方向分為兩大類:


我們以天然多酚白藜蘆醇為基礎,評估並探討其抑制獸醫相關病毒的可能性與相關機制,並且做為後續研究,我們也與生科系老師合作,發現白藜蘆醇可用於抑制偶蹄類動物中高傳染性的水疱型口炎病毒 (Lin et al. 2021)此外,透過鍛燒或以鹼性溶液造成聚合效應的方式,製備成奈米顆粒物質並證實可在動物模式中抑制腸病毒71型或A型流感病毒感染 (Lin et al. 2022) (Lin et al. 2023)。除了上述改良抗病毒化合物外,我們也持續與國外學者合作,從不同來源找尋可能的抗病毒藥物,包括與北卡羅萊納大學合作從海洋放射菌,與喬治梅森大學合作從爬蟲類血液中試圖鑑定出可抑制高傳染性病毒感染的專一萃取物 (Lin et al. 2021 & Carfagno et al. 2022)等已發表之研究主題。目前正持續與與不同領域的學者合作,嘗試發展以化學合成物質評估抑制腸病毒或魚類神經壞死病毒可能性的研究。


我們著重於改進既有的細胞感染系統並建立低成本的動物感染模式,從in vitro與in vivo並行構建出能評估並篩選抗病毒藥物的平台。例如,我們改良了冠狀病毒229E與OC43兩種品系的病毒效價分析系統 (Bracci et al. 2020),也利用磁性奈米載體抓取檢體中的病毒特性來提高PCR用於偵測病毒的靈敏度 (Ii et al. 2021)。動物模式方面,我們食科系以及中興大學的老師合作,建立了不同的疾病小鼠 (Tan et al. 2021),未來可用於研究慢性疾病與病毒感染之間的互動與關連性,目前我們正努力與開發出鼠肝炎冠狀病毒與水皰型口炎病毒的小鼠動物模式,前者我們已經測試了奈米化的柚皮素在細胞與小鼠的抗病毒效果;後者則與養殖系老師合作證實海木耳水萃物可在細胞模式中觀察到抑制水疱型口炎病毒的效果,進一步可探討抗病毒化合物的作用機轉與功效驗證。

3D print for coronavirus


2 Pei-Ning Rd., Keelung, Taiwan 202301



+886-2-2462-2192 ext. 5805

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